What is this toolkit about, and who is it for?

Woman holding an insecticide-treated net.The United States President’s Malaria Initiative, in partnership with Breakthrough ACTION, has worked to develop the social behavior change toolkit for community leaders. This is a free online toolkit with resources to help you integrate your organization’s existing strengths, connections, and activities with key malaria resources that can save lives in your community.

With this toolkit, you can access:

  • Resources on how malaria is affecting your country.
  • Key messages that you can promote in your communities to save lives.
  • Tools for integrating malaria messages into community-based activities, including home visits, work with schools and children, and sermons and faith-based gatherings

And learn:

  • The role of community and faith-based organizations in the fight against malaria.
  • How to plan and integrate malaria activities into your existing work.
  • How to partner with other local leaders to affect change.
  • How to track and monitor malaria progress.


Users of this toolkit can find each other to compare experiences and get ideas by joining the Springboard for Social and Behavior Change special online Group for Community and Faith Leaders . (You will need to register for a free account.)